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For SaaS Founders, Coaches, Consultants, and Agency Owners:

Discover How You Can Add a 6-Figure Twitter Powered Client Acquisition System In Just 5 Days With Our
“5 Days 5 Leads Challenge”!

All without guesswork & hustle, getting banned, or burning your brand’s reputation

Don’t Wait! Registration Closes Soon!

Is the “5 Day 5 Leads Challenge”

For Me and My Business?

Yes! This “5 Days 5 Leads Challenge” is especially for you if...

You run a SaaS or any type of service business like agency, coaching, or consulting

You want to see results from your outreach campaigns in DAYS, not weeks or months

You’re totally new to cold outreach and you suck at it (Hint: you don’t “suck”… But probably you just don’t know how to do it properly)

You’re already sending automated cold messages but you don’t book at least 15 calls per month

You REALLY want to scale your business predictably, without relying on algorithms and organic growth

You want to try sending cold messages but you are afraid of getting banned or “burning” your brand

You think cold outreach wouldn’t work for you because you believe your business is “different”…

You want to book 100+ calls per month on auto-pilot

If you nodded or said “Yes” to any of the above, then YES, this FREE 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge is 100% for you.

Sign Up Today...

…and we’ll show you, step-by-step on how to build a highly successful Twitter Powered Acquisition System for you and your business - and give you all the resources and templates you need for FREE!

At Last! The “Cold DM Guy” Teams Up with Drippi for a

One-in-a-Lifetime Challenge!

From: Alex Penunuri

Dear Business Owners:

If you want the ONE AND ONLY way to predictably and consistently scale your business that runs like a clockwork to bring in new customers DAILY…

Without fuss, spending hours creating content, building a massive audience, or figuring it out on your own…… then you’re at the right place.

Here’s a thing:

If you aren’t leveraging Twitter for client acquisition then you’re missing out on one of the most untapped lead generation methods.

Twitter cold outreach is the EASIEST and the most cost-effective way not only to go from 0 to 1 but also to go from 1 to 100.

Right now we are seeing results on Twitter similar to if you were pushing cold emails or Instagram DMs 5 Years Ago.

We are talking about high open rates and high reply rates.

Moreover, you won’t get shadowbanned after sending 15 messages in one day.

You’re able to send hundreds of messages per day on auto pilot and even tens of thousands if you’re using multiple accounts - all without burning your brand reputation!

On top of that, it’s hard to get accounts banned and you don’t need a ton of followers to get replies.

Simply put - it’s the perfect funnel for you & your business if you want MORE leads and MORE sales in a FRACTION of the time it would normally take than with any other platforms and acquisition mechanisms like building inbound machines, complex funnels, or cold emails.

Twitter cold DMs WORK. And they are incredibly effective. More importantly, you can launch your first campaign and start closing deals in a matter of days!

The Drippi community all together has generated millions of dollars in closed deals and had gotten replies from people like Tai Lopez, SNEAKO, Double H, James Camp, Des, Solo, Mario Nawfal, Taylor Caniff, and a TON MORE!

“But Alex, I already tried sending DMs on Twitter… And it just doesn’t work for me!”

I heard this millions of times, so stick with me for a second…

If outreach doesn’t work for you, most likely you have one of the following problems:

Your Offer Sucks

You are sending DMs to shitty prospects

You don’t know how to carry non-pushy conversations and book calls

Or you simply don’t send enough volume

If you fix all that - I GUARANTEE - you will make money from your outreach campaigns in no time.

And here is the good news: I’m going to help you with that - for absolutely FREE.

Join Alex Penunuri &

FREE 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge!

When you say “yes” and join the challenge for free today, we’ll show you, in just 60 minutes a day for 5 days, how to easily (and quickly) get AMAZING results with cold outreach for your offer.

How Would Your Business & Life Change…

If Your Analytics Would Look Like This?

These are just some examples of what you can achieve with Twitter DM strategies that Alex will reveal on the 5 Day 5 Leads Challenge:

Here’s What You Can Expect

From This 5-Day Challenge:

Day 1:

The Fundamentals Behind Getting Crazy Results with Your Cold Outreach

On day one of the 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge, we’re going to show you:

What kind of results you can expect if you follow the 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge (even if you don’t have a big following or a brand)

The 2 key components to get replies from high-value individuals no one is talking about

Offer creation mastery: how to make offers so good people lose on more by saying no, than by saying yes

Profile optimization secrets: how to boost your credibility in the eyes of your prospects even if you have a small following

Day 2:

Creating Your Killer Angles & Building up Your Lead Lists Under 10 Minutes

What makes your cold outreach stand out? What makes prospects want to reply? There might be hundreds of other people sending DMs now… But they are doing it wrong!

On day two, we will show you:

How you can find your ideal prospects on Twitter

How to not suck at outreach: turning your offer into a killer DM script

Easy-to-follow steps to set up Drippi in under 10 minutes

Day 3:

How to Turn Cold DMs into $$$

This is one of the most exciting days of the challenge because we will start blasting DMs to your ideal prospects!

On day three, we will show you:

How to turn on your automated outreach machine

The conversation essentials: How to talk to people in a non-pushy way, book calls, and close deals

How to build your script WITHOUT spending hours and weeks before you start

Day 4:

The Advanced Strategies I Use to Increase Show-Up Rates & Make More Sales

On day four we will talk about:

How to get people to consistently show up on calls with you

Enhancing the implementation: advanced tracking and the power of lead magnets

PLUS, you will get 2 insane bonuses:

Steal my advanced tracker I use for myself and all of my clients to book 150+ meetings per month

Roast your conversations: I will PERSONALLY review your conversations with prospects on the call so that you can start closing deals even before the challenge ends!

Day 5:

Scaling Your Cold Outreach to the Moon by Sending 1,500+ Messages Per DAY - Without Burning Down Your Brand

On day 5 of the challenge, we will talk about the LAST and my favorite piece of the puzzle - volume.

Because if you have a great offer, you know your angles work, you know how to carry the conversation…

The only thing that stops you from pulling in more revenue is VOLUME.

Day 6:

Crush It with the Cold Outreach

Want to see more real-world examples of cold DM campaigns including case studies?Then don’t miss the bonus day!

This is a great opportunity to see how to run successful cold outreach campaigns work in today’s market and for all different types of businesses and niches!

But Hurry!

We're Filling Up Fast...

We are limited in our virtual bandwidth. That means once we’ve reached capacity, we’re closing down this page...

So Don’t Wait! Join The 5 Days 5 Leads For Free Right Now!

Your Hosts During This

5 Days 5 Leads Challenge!

Alex Penunuri

Alex runs a multi-six-figure agency and helps clients across almost every niche generate hundreds of thousands of dollars using outreach.

Drippi automates highly personalized outreach messages and tames your inbox with filters, auto-replies, and more.

Drippi community collected millions of dollars in cash using these exact strategies.

This is Your Chance to Finally Achieve the Results You’ve Always Wanted for Your Business…

…Will You Take It?

Would You Say No…

To Opportunities Like These?

Imagine getting replies like Alex does with these exact strategies he’s going to share with you during this 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge…

Ready to Finally Have the Outreach Machine That Brings in Dozens of Ready-to-Buy Clients & Customers in a Matter of Days?

What You Can Expect From The 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge!

Before the Challenge:

No consistent and predictable way to get new leads, clients, or customers

Relying on ads, inbound, or cold email as your only source of consistent revenue

Don’t think social media is a worthwhile investment of your time and money

Confused, lost, or stuck while trying to make outreach work…

After the Challenge:

A fully automated outreach system on scale that helps you predictably and consistently book meetings & close deals on autopilot fast

Falling in love with outbound because now you “get it”!

Getting replies & making deals with high-caliber prospects

Knowing exactly how to go from a cold DM to a reply to a sale

Here's Everything You Get When You Sign Up For

5 Days 5 Leads Challenge Today!

FREE! 5 days of focused learning with a 60-minute group coaching call every day to focus on one specific aspect of cold outreach ($1,997 value)

FREE! Access to our exclusive “5 Days 5 Leads Challenge”' Workbook, where you can get hands-on tasks, and daily homework during the challenge! (PRICELESS)

FREE! My exclusive Tracker to help you maximize the results from your outreach campaigns and book more meetings! ($997 value)

FREE! Lifetime Access to all the Challenge Calls on a dedicated resource page once the challenge ends ($497 value)

FREE! Personalized recommendations from me & Drippi team to help you maximize your campaigns’ results ($1,897 value)

FREE! Our exclusive challenge competition where everyone will get amazing prizes at the end! ($997 value)

Normally: $6,385

Today's Price: 100% FREE


5-Day Virtual Event: “5 Days 5 Leads Challenge”


Monday - Friday, May 6 - May 11, 1 pm EST


So you can finally have the life & business you want, without needless hassles and headaches

You Have Questions?

We Got Answers!

What is a 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge?

5 Days 5 Leads Challenge is a Virtual Event that’s designed specifically to help you build your Twitter-powered client acquisition system. During this challenge, we will go live for 5 days in a row to show you every aspect you need to know to finally make Twitter outreach work for you.

What am I Going to Learn in the Challenge?

You are going to learn the ins and outs of Twitter outbound client acquisition systems. Alex will show you how to optimize your profile & offer, how to turn your offer into a killer script, how to carry conversations, as well as advanced strategies to book more meetings.

How do I Know if it’s Right for Me?

These strategies work no matter what type of business you run. As long as your prospects are on Twitter, these strategies will work for you.

What if I have a Service?

Then 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge is perfect for you. Alex will show you how you can book 100+ meetings per month with the strategies he’s using for himself and for his clients.

What if I have a SaaS?

Then the 5 Days 5 Leads Challenge is for you! Using these strategies, you can get hundreds of new customers in a matter of days.

What if I can’t Attend Calls?

All the recordings will be available on the same day of the call. If you cannot make it live, you can revisit it. However, we highly recommend you attend them live to make the most out of the challenge.

Now's The Time To Get Off The Sidelines...

Join the "5 Days 5 Leads Challenge" Today!